Biblical ITALY FAM TRIP with ROME Extension
Mar 18-26, 2022 + Mar 26-28
Discounted Biblical & Religion Tour for Professors
“And so we came to Rome!” Twice Luke announces this in the final chapter of Acts, and we too will follow Paul’s route to that “eternal city.” After our arrival in Naples and a visit to Herculaneum, a city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius, we will tour the port of Puteoli, the port where Paul disembarked for the final stage of his journey. We will walk on the very stones Paul walked as he left the city and headed north to Capua and on to Rome. After joining the famous Via Appia, we will follow Paul’s route through the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns. In Rome we will visit all the major monuments of imperial Rome, especially those related to Peter and Paul. We will view early Christian artifacts (and the Sistine Chapel) in the Vatican Museum and descend into the catacombs. We will tour some of the earliest surviving churches and end at the Milvian Bridge where Constantine defeated Maxentius and set the stage for legalizing Christianity. Join us as we walk in the footsteps of Paul and the early Christians of Rome!
Tour Options
Main Rates
Once you've completed your tour registration, kindly remember to add the participants who will be joining the tour.
Total Tour Amount: $2,990
Single Occupancy Supplements
for Land & Air for Biblical ITALY FAM TRIP with ROME Extension +$690.00for Rome Extension +$125.00
Deposit: $200
Full (Balance) Payment: $2,790
Must be paid by December 13, 2021
You can pay deposit or full payment on complete section.
IMPORTANT: Because this is an international transaction, some credit card companies might decline this charge due to security reasons if you have not informed them first. To avoid any delay, please call your credit card company prior to completing your registration.