Antioch Seminar - Paul & Peter - Where Disciples Were First Called Christians
July 16-23, 2023
Antioch - Tarsus - Cyprus - Perga - Antalya
ANTIOCH (Antakya) is located along the Orontes River in modern-day Turkey. The city became a center for early Christianity, playing an important role in the ministry of the apostle Paul in the New Testament. It was at Antioch that followers of Jesus were first called “Christians” (Acts 11:26).
Dr. Mark Wayne Wilson is program director and Dr. Ben Witherington is guest speaker.

Tour Options
Main Rates
Once you've completed your tour registration, kindly remember to add the participants who will be joining the tour.
Total Tour Amount: $1,950
Single Occupancy Supplements
for Land Only for Antioch Seminar - Paul & Peter - Where Disciples Were First Called Christians +$720.00for ISTANBUL PRE-TOUR - JULY 13-16 +$140.00for CAPPADOCIA PRE-TOUR - JULY 13-16 +$120.00for ANKARA - NEMROUD - GÖBEKLİTEPE PRE-TOUR - JULY 9-16 +$300.00for CAPPADOCIA POST TOUR - JULY 23-26 +$120.00for ÇATALHÖYÜK - ANDRIAKE - PATARA - XANTHOS - LETOON - CAUNOS POST TOUR - JULY 23-27 +$240.00for SEVEN CHURCHES POST TOUR - JULY 23-29 +$0.00
Deposit: $200
Full (Balance) Payment: $1,750
Must be paid by May 31, 2023
You can pay deposit or full payment on complete section.
IMPORTANT: Because this is an international transaction, some credit card companies might decline this charge due to security reasons if you have not informed them first. To avoid any delay, please call your credit card company prior to completing your registration.