Embarking on a journey through the ancient civilizations of Turkey, Greece, and Rome is a pilgrimage through millennia of human history. From the magnificent ruins of Ephesus in Turkey, where the echoes of Roman chariots still seem to reverberate, to the breathtaking Acropolis of Athens, adorned with its iconic Parthenon, and finally to the eternal city of Rome, where every cobblestone street whispers tales of emperors and gladiators, this tour is a vivid exploration of the cradle of Western civilization. Each step unveils layers of cultural richness, architectural splendor, and historical intrigue, offering a profound glimpse into the foundations of our modern world.

Asst. Abelardo Jose Rivas SR
Asst. Abelardo Jose Rivas SRAndrews UniversitySDA Theological Seminary/Dept of Religion and Biblical Languages
Tour Options
Main Rates
September 30, 2025 - October 14, 2025

Once you've completed your tour registration, kindly remember to add the participants who will be joining the tour.

Total Tour Amount: $5,450

Single Occupancy Supplements

for Land Only for TURKEY GREECE ROME +$1390.00

Deposit: $300

Full (Balance) Payment: $5,150
Must be paid by July 27, 2025

You can pay deposit or full payment on complete section.

IMPORTANT: Because this is an international transaction, some credit card companies might decline this charge due to security reasons if you have not informed them first. To avoid any delay, please call your credit card company prior to completing your registration.